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Q: Is INVERTED a subsidiary of ED?
A: No, we are two different entities, but the things we do are mutually beneficial. We as both developers and players appreciate the existence of DCS, so we hope that we can help them to grow.
Q: What are the required modules?
A: F/A-18C and Persian Gulf by ED. We have made SC versions for carrier missions, but since we don't use it to the full extent (no carrier landing), you don't need to purchase SC because of this campaign.
Q: Will this campaign experience allow me to introduce more friends to DCS by allowing a beginner experience?
A: Absolutely, we'd love more players jumping into DCS. For Rising Squall, we have made weapon deployment as easy as possible, ie. Using TOO WPDSG mode and target points are all pre-entered.
Q: The trailer looks like ACE COMBAT, does the gameplay share any similarity?
A: We want to create a campaign that is entertaining while remaining 100% true to the full-fidelity of DCS modules, which players can not only have a blast but also be very satisfactory for what they achieve in the long-term. You want to become an ACE? Prove it!
Q: Can I choose the plane type in missions?
A: No, just F/A-18C. Each plane has her unique charisma, we'd like our audience to have fun, but also appreciate the amount of work that developers have put into the plane modules to recreate their beauty in DCS. Don't worry, we will guide you by taking baby steps, don't get scared by buttons!
Q: BGM play in-mission?
A: Yes, you do have the choice to change volume or turn it off.
Q: Future plans in the same universe?
A: You will know once you finish the last mission in Rising Squall.
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